Showing 1 of 1 for search: id:130694
Aboriginal Community Mental Health Nurse (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public
This brochure provides information on the Aboriginal Mental Health and Substance Use Liaison. Supporting Aboriginal people ensuring linkages between clients, hospitals, community Mental Health and Addictions treatment services and health and social service providers, and ensures that clients are respected in a culturally sensitive manner. (English) Colour
Catalogue Number:
264612Disorders and Conditions:
- Mental Health and Behaviour,
- Substance Use
- Aboriginal,
- Inuit,
- Metis,
- Nations,
- Abuse,
- Substance
- All
- Mental Health and Substance Use,
- Aboriginal Health
BookletRevision Date:
November 01, 2017Reproduction Rights:
Image: medicine pouches - copyright Fraser Health.Showing 1 of 1 for search: id:130694