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Cellulitis (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public
You have an infection of the deepest layer of your skin. This is called cellulitis (sounds like sell-u-li-tis). It is usually caused by bacteria. (English) Colour
Other Languages (See All Related)
English (254268), English (254268), Arabic (262930), Chinese - Simplified (262927), Chinese - Traditional (262926), Farsi (262932), Korean (262931), Punjabi (262928), Vietnamese (262929)
Catalogue Number:
254268Dehydration (Adult) (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public
Your body needs water to work properly. Water keeps your blood flow easily around your body and to your body organs such as your heart and brain. Dehydration (sounds like dee-hi-dray-shun) is when your body does not have enough water. (English) Colour
Other Languages (See All Related)
English (262727), Arabic (262911), Chinese - Simplified (262908), Chinese - Traditional (262907), Farsi (262913), Korean (262912), Punjabi (262909), Vietnamese (262910)
Catalogue Number:
262727Scabies [English] Permalink Public
HealthLinkBC Health File information about scabies including symptoms, treatment, and preventing re-infestation. Number 09. (English)
URL: Languages (See All Related)
English, Chinese - Traditional, Farsi, French, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish, Vietnamese
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease [English] Permalink Public
Hand, foot and mouth disease is caused by certain types of viruses. Children under 10 years of age get the disease most often. Most cases occur in the summer and early fall. Number 64. (English)
URL: Languages (See All Related)
English, Chinese - Traditional, Farsi, French, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish, Vietnamese
Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) [English] Permalink Public
HealthLinkBC Health File information about methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) including overview of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), treatment and prevention. Number 73. (English)
URL: Languages (See All Related)
English, Chinese - Traditional, Farsi, French, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish, Vietnamese
Febrile Seizures - Children (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public
Febrile means ‘from a fever’. Seizure is uncontrolled muscle spasms, twitching, or jerking. A febrile seizure is a common condition brought on by a sudden rise in body temperature. (English) Colour
Other Languages (See All Related)
English (262076), Arabic (262848), Chinese - Simplified (262846), Chinese - Traditional (262077), Farsi (262080), Korean (262079), Punjabi (262078), Vietnamese (262847)
Catalogue Number:
262076Fever in Children (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public
Fever is a rise in body temperature. Fever is a normal and healthy reaction to an infection. Fever helps the body fight infection. (English) Colour
Other Languages (See All Related)
English (262081), Arabic (262114), Chinese - Simplified (262112), Chinese - Traditional (262111), Farsi (262084), Korean (262083), Punjabi (262082), Spanish (268135), Vietnamese (262113)
Catalogue Number:
262081Hives in Children [English] Permalink Public
Hives are raised, itchy, red bumps (swellings) on the skin. They can be of different sizes and can appear anywhere on your child’s body. This factsheet provides an overview on hives including symptoms, causes, and when to seek medical assistance. Audio available. (English)
URL: Languages (See All Related)
English, Chinese - Traditional
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (DTaP-IPV-Hib) Vaccine [English] Permalink Public
HealthLinkBC Health File information providing an overview about diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, and haemophilus influenzae type b (DTaP-IPV-Hib) vaccine including benefits, and possible reactions to the vaccine. Number 15b. (English)
URL: Languages (See All Related)
English, Arabic, Chinese - Traditional, Farsi, French, Korean, Punjabi, Spanish, Vietnamese
Before AND After Procedural Sedation (Child) (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public
We gave you medicines so we could do a test or procedure without you feeling pain. This is called ‘sedation’. The medicines will make you feel sleepy, dizzy, faint, clumsy, or unsteady. It can also cause you to not think clearly. (English) Colour
Other Languages (See All Related)
English (264321), Arabic (264326), Chinese - Simplified (264323), Chinese - Traditional (264322), Farsi (264328), Korean (264327), Punjabi (264324), Vietnamese (264325)
Catalogue Number:
264321Showing 1 to 10 of 23 for search: *:*
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