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Community Pain Self-Management - Program Handbook [English] Permalink Public
Someone from a specific health profession or program usually gives this resource to the person who needs it and reviews it with them. Before using this information, please review it with someone from that profession or program.
Provided by the Community Pain Program team. This resource booklet is for clients attending the 8 week chronic pain self-management program. The booklet contains Understanding Pain, Belly Breathing, Guide to Goals and Action Plans, Energy Conservation, Mindfulness, Movement, Stress Management, Sleep Wellness, Managing Moods, Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Healthy Supports, Moving Forward, Flare-up Plan, Nutrition and Pain, Resilience, My Pain Management Roadmap, and My actions plans for the week: Moving towards my goals. (English) Colour
This booklet is a package that contains the following individual information sheets: Belly Breathing (267835), Guide to Goals and Action Plans (267836), Mindfulness (267838), Movement (267839), Energy Conservation (267837), Stress Management (267840), Sleep Wellness (267841), Trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (267843), Healthy Supports (267844), Moving forward (267845), Flare-Up Plan (267846), Resilience (267847), My Pain Management Roadmap (267848), My actions plans for the week: Moving toward my goals (267849), Understanding Pain (267834), Managing Moods (267842), Nutrition and Pain (267868), Community and Online Resources (268379).
Other Languages (See All Related)
English (267893), Punjabi (267922)
Catalogue Number:
267893Body Location:
- Multiple Systems
Diagnosis and Therapy:
- Rehabilitation and Recovery
Disorders and Conditions:
- Pain
- Belly,
- Pain,
- Trauma,
- Inflammation,
- Stress,
- Fatigue,
- Activity,
- Relaxation,
- Brain,
- Exercise,
- Meals,
- Tired,
- Therapy,
- Health,
- Biological,
- Self-Esteem,
- Family,
- Friends,
- Feelings,
- Exercises,
- Productivity,
- Eating,
- Vegetables,
- Protein,
- Communication,
- Physical,
- Activities,
- Sleep,
- Energy,
- Conservation,
- Balance,
- Posture,
- Management,
- Spiritual,
- Grief,
- Bereavement,
- Loss,
- Community,
- Body,
- Snacks,
- Supplement,
- Fruits,
- Insomnia,
- Fitness,
- Negative,
- Weight,
- Healthy,
- Cognitive,
- Exhaustion,
- Sensitivity,
- Apnea,
- Planning,
- Chronic,
- Self-management,
- Relax,
- Goals,
- Persistent,
- Complex,
- Flare-Up,
- Food,
- Bed,
- Self,
- Self-care,
- Mental,
- Diaphram,
- Life,
- Emotional,
- Behaviour,
- Social,
- Plan,
- Disorder,
- Mood,
- Post-traumatic,
- Acute,
- Mind,
- Class,
- Neuroplasticity,
- Nerves,
- Breath,
- Breathe,
- Act,
- Freeze,
- Values,
- Module,
- Flare,
- Signs,
- Moving,
- Action,
- Positive,
- Commitments,
- Lack,
- Stretches,
- Warning,
- Daily,
- Connections,
- Thoughts,
- Pacing,
- Behavior,
- Routine,
- Stressors,
- Diaphragmatic,
- Inhale,
- Exhale,
- S.M.A.R.T.,
- Specific,
- Measurable,
- Attainable,
- Relevant,
- Time-based,
- F.I.T.T.,
- Fight,
- Flight,
- Resilience,
- Gratitude,
- Self-Compassion,
- Compassion,
- Neuronal,
- Plasticity,
- Biopsychosocial,
- Mindfulness,
- A.N.T.S.,
- Automatic,
- All
- Primary Health Care
BookletRevision Date:
May 15, 2024Reproduction Rights:
Cover page: Image by upklyak on Freepik Understanding Pain: Image by macrovector on Freekpik Music controller by Vectors Point from Noun Project Designed by FH based on original model by George Engel 1977 Designed by Fraser Health based on model from VA Whole Health for Life 2019 Icons by flaticon eye man speak thought car people face Belly Breathing: LadyofHats, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons Energy Conservation: Nick Youngson CC BY-SA 3.0 Alpha Stock Images OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay ©Fraser Health CC BY 4.0 Pyschology H5P Edition @Vancouver Coastal Healthyes Mindfulness: @Fraser Health Icons from Flaticon Lotus, Tea, Eye, Person Movement: ©Fraser Health Image by storyset on Freepik Stress Management: Adobe Stock 222658385 Image by pch.vector on Freepik Based on R.A.I.N. tool developed by Tara Brach Image by starline on Freepik Used with permission Image by katemangostar on Freepik Sleep Wellness Visualization of the circadian rhythm taken from Used with permission from Image by grmarc on Freepik Icons by flaticon lamp laptop moon glasses CC BY 4.0 Image by gstudioimagen on Freepik Managing Moods: ©Fraser Health Image created by ©Fraserhealth based on work of Steven C. Hayes 1982. Based on R.A.I.N. tool developed by Tara Brach Image by starline on Freepik Image by Freepik Trauma and PTSD: Laurie Pearson Marine Corps Barstow - Public Domain Healthy Supports: Created by Lakshisha from Noun Project Image by pch.vector on Freepik Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik Image by pch.vector on Freepik Flare-up: ©Fraser Health Icons from Flaticon clock flame Pain and Nutrition: From Canada’s Food Guide Dietary Guidelines and available at Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik Image by Freepik Image by pch.vector on Freepik Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik Image by macrovector on Freepik Moving Forward: Image by John Hain from Pixabay Based on the work of Kubler-Ross and David Kessler Adapted from the TAPMI with Permission 2021. Adapted from Russ Harris’ Happiness Trap Life Compass Worksheet, 2014 Resilience: Image by storyset on Freepik ©Fraser Health Created by visual language from the Noun Project Image by storyset on Freepik Lance Eaton, CC BY-S.A. 4.0 ByAnyOtherNerd My Pain Management Roadmap: Image by macrovector on Freepik My actions plans for the week: Moving toward my goals: Icon By Christoph Roser at AllAboutLean.comShowing 1 of 13 for search: *:*
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