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Meningitis (Child) [English] Permalink Public
Meningitis (say: men-in-JIE-tis) is an infection of the fluid around a person's spinal cord and brain. This fluid is called cerebrospinal fluid or CSF. Meningitis is sometimes called spinal meningitis. Audio available. (English)
URL: Languages (See All Related)
English, Chinese - Traditional, Punjabi
Body Location:
- Brain and Nerves
Diagnosis and Therapy:
- Symptoms,
- Diagnostic Tests and Medical Equipment
Disorders and Conditions:
- Infant/Children Illnesses and Disorders
- Vomiting,
- Infection,
- Fever,
- Chills,
- Headache,
- Confusion,
- Neck,
- Peds,
- Pediatric,
- Meningitis,
- Spinal,
- Lumbar,
- Vaccine,
- Stiff,
- Puncture
- Children and Youth
- Maternal Infant Child Youth
FactsheetRevision Date:
May 16, 2022Reproduction Rights:
Linking Policy: 4 of 15 for search: *:*
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Specific Collections
Pediatric ServicesLanguage
EnglishDiagnosis and Therapy
Diagnostic Tests and Medical Equipment
Disorders and Conditions
- Infant/Children Illnesses and Disorders (12)
- Heart Arrhythmia (2)
- Brain (1)
Body Location
- Brain and Nerves (4)
- Multiple Systems (4)
- Blood, Heart and Circulation (3)
- Mouth and Dental (1)