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Showing 121 to 130 of 135 for search: feeding your baby

Rat Prevention and Control [Vietnamese] Permalink Public

Rats can be both a serious pest and a cause for public health concern. They carry and transmit disease, and they bite people and pets if provoked. This pamphlet contains extensive information on how to identify and to detect rats and rat activity, and how to rat-proof your home to help control and reduce rat population. (Vietnamese) Black & White

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (261305), Chinese - Traditional (262282), Farsi (262283), Hindi (262278), Korean (262279), Punjabi (262280), Vietnamese (262281)

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Introduction to Welcome to the Hospital - Care Journal for Patients and Families (Fraser Health) [Vietnamese] Permalink Public

Introduction to the Welcome to the Hospital - Care Journal for Patients and Families booklet which gives you information to help you during your hospital stay.Use this booklet to record treatments, tests, and results. It is also a place where you can write down questions or concerns so you can remember to talk to us about them. (Vietnamese) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (264554), Arabic (264552), Chinese - Simplified (264548), Chinese - Traditional (264549), Farsi (264553), Korean (264550), Punjabi (264547), Vietnamese (264551)

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Vertigo (Fraser Health) [Vietnamese] Permalink Public

Vertigo (sounds like ‘ver-tee-go’) is commonly called ‘Dizziness’. It can be a feeling of being light-headed or feeling faint. It can also be a feeling of spinning, whirling, or the room around you spinning. Vertigo can make it hard to stand or walk and you may feel off balance. It can also make you feel sick to your stomach (nauseated). (Vietnamese) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (254261), Arabic (264498), Chinese - Simplified (264499), Chinese - Traditional (262200), Farsi (262203), Korean (262202), Punjabi (262201), Vietnamese (264500)

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Summer Heat Safety for Seniors and People with Medical Conditions (Large Text Version) [Vietnamese] Permalink Public

Explains how extreme heat can affect your health and why, what you can do to stay safe, and the signs of heat illness to watch for. Also includes ways that family and care partners can support those who are most vulnerable. This 4 page version is for those with vision challenges. Also available in a 2 page version with smaller text size (#267483). (Vietnamese) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (267482), Arabic (267510), Chinese - Simplified (267511), Chinese - Traditional (267512), Farsi (267513), French (267514), Hindi (267515), Korean (267516), Punjabi (267517), Spanish (267518), Tagalog (267533), Tigrinya (267534), Urdu (267519), Vietnamese (267520)

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Ectopic Pregnancy and Methotrexate (Fraser Health) [Vietnamese] Permalink Public

The most common place for an ectopic pregnancy is in a fallopian tube. If the pregnancy continues to grow here, the tiny fallopian tube can burst open. A burst fallopian tube results in serious and possibly life-threatening internal bleeding. To protect you, the ectopic pregnancy must be ended. Consulting with a specialist (an obstetrician/gynecologist), we have given you a medication called ‘methotrexate’ to end your ectopic pregnancy. This medication usually stops the growth of the pregnancy. (Vietnamese) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (264314), Arabic (265941), Chinese - Simplified (265942), Chinese - Traditional (265943), Farsi (265944), Korean (265945), Punjabi (265946), Vietnamese (265947)

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Angiography/Angiogram (Lower Mainland) [Vietnamese] Permalink Public

This pamphlet provides a brief description of the medical imaging procedure angiography/angiogram including information on who will be performing procedure?, prior to procedure instructions, what happens during procedure?, will it hurt?, how long it will take?, risks or complications, what happens afterwards?, follow-up instructions and information on who to contact if experiencing problems. Angiography is procedure to look at arteries and veins in your body using x-rays. To help see the arteries and veins, an x‐ray dye (called contrast) is injected.This is called an angiogram. (Vietnamese) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (264367), Arabic (264660), Chinese - Simplified (264661), Chinese - Traditional (264662), Farsi (264663), French (264797), Punjabi (264664), Vietnamese (264665)

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Liver Biopsy (Lower Mainland) [Vietnamese] Permalink Public

A pre/post pamphlet including a brief description of medical imaging procedure, who will be performing procedure, prior to procedure instructions, what happens during procedure, will it hurt?, how long it will take, risks or complications, what happens afterwards, follow-up instructions and information on who to contact if experiencing problems.A liver biopsy is a way of taking a small piece of tissue from your liver using a special needle. A liver biopsy is done to check for any abnormalities seen on other tests you might have had (such as an ultrasound, x-ray, CT scan, or blood tests). It is also done to find the cause of jaundice, or to check for cirrhosis, hepatitis or liver cancer. (Vietnamese) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (264473), Arabic (264684), Chinese - Simplified (264685), Chinese - Traditional (264686), Farsi (264687), French (264800), Punjabi (264688), Vietnamese (264689)

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Kindergarten students who needs vaccines [Vietnamese] Permalink Public

NOTE: This is a copy of the letter sent home by the school. This letter includes immunization history report that shows CERTAIN VACCINES MIGHT BE OVERDUE. (Vietnamese) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (268441), Arabic (268443), Chinese - Simplified (268444), Chinese - Traditional (268445), Farsi (268446), French (268447), Korean (268448), Punjabi (268449), Russian (268701), Somali (268450), Spanish (268451), Ukrainian (268702), Urdu (268452), Vietnamese (268453)

Catalogue Number:
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Showing 121 to 130 of 135 for search: feeding your baby

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This catalogue serves the people using Fraser Health programs and services in communities from Burnaby east to Hope and surrounding areas.

Our goal is to provide you with reliable information in a way that you can find what you need, understand what you find, and use it to make decisions about your health.


Patient Education
Professional Practice
Fraser Health
#400, 13450 102nd Ave.
Surrey, BC  V3T 0H1

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