Search Hints
The system will try to find similar spellings or plurals automatically. If you are unsure of a spelling try using the ~ symbol at the end of a single word term.
Use AND, OR, or NOT for combining terms (operators must be ALL CAPS). By default, your search terms within a field will be treated as if they are combined using "OR", but multiple fields will be joined together using "AND".
For example
- heart AND surgery
- food OR nutrition
- cancer NOT chemotherapy
Enclose a phrase in quotation marks to search for that exact phrase.
For example: "abdominal pain" -
Use * to stem or truncate a word, or as a wildcard in the middle of a word
For example: diabet* -
+ - && || ! ( ) { } [ ] ^ " ~ * : ? each have a special meaning when used in a search.
If you wish to use them according to their standard
grammatical usage you must escape each with a backwards slash.
For example: Diabetes\: What do the Numbers Mean\?