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Continence Promotion and Management Program (Delta Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine or stool. It is not a disease but rather a symptom of a physical or neurological disorder. This pamphlet provides more information on incontinence and how the program can help people manage their condition. (English) Colour

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Continence Assessment and Management Program (New Westminster) [English] Permalink Public

Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine or stool. It is not a disease but rather a symptom of a physical or neurological disorder. This pamphlet provides more information on incontinence and how the program can help people manage their condition. (English) Colour

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Dehydration (Adult) (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

Your body needs water to work properly. Water keeps your blood flow easily around your body and to your body organs such as your heart and brain. Dehydration (sounds like dee-hi-dray-shun) is when your body does not have enough water. (English) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (262727), Arabic (262911), Chinese - Simplified (262908), Chinese - Traditional (262907), Farsi (262913), Korean (262912), Punjabi (262909), Vietnamese (262910)

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Concussion (Minor Head Injury) in Adults (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

A head injury results from a direct blow to the head that causes shaking and jarring of the brain. If the blow is hard enough to injure the brain, it is called a concussion. (English) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (254982), Arabic (262805), Chinese - Simplified (262802), Chinese - Traditional (262801), Farsi (262806), French (266823), Korean (262804), Punjabi (262803), Spanish (267807), Vietnamese (262807)

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Understanding Behaviour: A Guide for Families (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

Pamphlet describes behaviours seen in people who have dementia, brain injuries or mental health challenges. Educates families on how to cope/help when observing these behaviours. (English) Black & White

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Alzheimer's Disease: First Steps [English] Permalink Public

The Alzheimer Society is Canada’s leading health charity for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. The information in this brochure can help you cope with the changes you are experiencing,and plan for future changes so you can continue living your life to its fullest every day. (English)


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Alzheimer's Disease: First Steps [English] Permalink Public

The Alzheimer Society is Canada’s leading health charity for people living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. The information in this brochure can help you cope with the changes you are experiencing,and plan for future changes so you can continue living your life to its fullest every day. (English)


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Community Mental Health Services Occupational Therapy - Helping Seniors Live Life to the Fullest (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

This service is for you if you are *a senior, *live with mental health issues, *are a current clients of Community Geriatric Mental Health Services, and *live in one of these cities - Burnaby, Coquitalm, Maple Ridge, New Westminster, Port Coquitlam, Port Moody, or Pitt Meadows. (English) Colour

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Craniotomy (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

You are having surgery (an operation) on your brain. The medical word is craniotomy (say crane-ee-ot-oh-me). This surgery can be done for many reasons, such as: - to remove a growth (tumor or cyst) - to take a sample of tissue (biopsy) - to remove a blood clot - to repair arteries or veins - to drain pus from an infection (an abscess) - to repair a break in the skull (fracture) - to place an implant such as a shunt that helps brain fluid flow (English) Black & White

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You and Your Brain - Understanding Cognition (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

This handout provides information on what cognition is, what it includes, why it is important, factors that can impact cognition, and actions that can support a healthy brain. (English) Colour

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Showing 1 to 10 of 22 for search: *:*

About Fraser Health Patient Education

This catalogue serves the people using Fraser Health programs and services in communities from Burnaby east to Hope and surrounding areas.

Our goal is to provide you with reliable information in a way that you can find what you need, understand what you find, and use it to make decisions about your health.


Patient Education
Professional Practice
Fraser Health
#400, 13450 102nd Ave.
Surrey, BC  V3T 0H1

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