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Childhood Sexual Abuse - A Mental Health Issue [English] Permalink Public

Childhood sexual abuse can have a devastating impact on the victims throughout their childhood and into adulthood. The fact sheet outlines the lasting effects this can have and the available treatments for survivors of this abuse. (English)


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Supporting people who use substances - A brief guide for friends and family [English] Permalink Public

Helping people address their substance use involves helping them express and reach their goals. Anyone who has contact with people who may be using substances in harmful or risky ways has a unique opportunity to influence the way they think and feel about their use, and help them make changes to reduce the harms they are experiencing or causing in others. (English)


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Understanding Substance Use [English] Permalink Public

Psychoactive substances include alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, some medications, and caffeine. How these substances are used, how often they are used, how much is used, and the settings in which they are used all contribute to how each substance affects the body and mind. This fact sheet provides examples of this and information on how to minimize the harm associated with using these substances. (English)


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About Fraser Health Patient Education

This catalogue serves the people using Fraser Health programs and services in communities from Burnaby east to Hope and surrounding areas.

Our goal is to provide you with reliable information in a way that you can find what you need, understand what you find, and use it to make decisions about your health.


Patient Education
Professional Practice
Fraser Health
#400, 13450 102nd Ave.
Surrey, BC  V3T 0H1

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