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Colon Screening Program Package [English] Permalink Public

This package has forms, resources and additional information on colon cancer screening. (English) Colour

This factsheet is a package that contains the following individual information sheets: Before AND After Procedural Sedation (Adult) (254259), Preparing For a Colonoscopy (Bowel Cleansing) (267275), Colonoscopy (external), Colon Screening (external).

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Going Home After Cystoscopy (C&P) or Ureteral Stent Insertion (Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre) [English] Permalink Public

A cystoscopy, or cystoscopy and pyelogram (C&P), is a procedure done to examine the lining of the urethra and bladder to test for bladder cancer. A ureteral stent is a thin, flexible tube threaded into the ureter to help urine drain from the kidney to the bladder or to an external collection system. (English) Black & White

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Transurethral Resection of a Bladder Tumor (Chilliwack General Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

This procedure involves the surgical removal of the bladder tumor performed under a general or spinal anesthetic. A long slender lighted tube is passed through the urinary passageway (the urethra) to reach the bladder tumor. (English) Black & White

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Preparing for Your Surgery and Hospital Stay (Royal Columbian Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

This booklet gives general information on preparing for surgery and hospital stay with the focus on the best recovery possible. Find information on how to prepare yourself in the months, weeks, and days before your surgery as well as very specific information on how to get ready the night before and morning of surgery. We also describe generally what to expect before and after surgery. Use this booklet along with the information we give you on about your specific surgery. (English) Colour

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Preparing for Your Surgery and Hospital Stay (Surrey Memorial Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

This booklet gives general information on preparing for surgery and hospital stay with the focus on the best recovery possible. Find information on how to prepare yourself in the months, weeks, and days before your surgery as well as very specific information on how to get ready the night before and morning of surgery. We also describe generally what to expect before and after surgery. Use this booklet along with the information we give you on about your specific surgery. (English) Colour

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Preparing for Your Surgery and Hospital Stay (Peace Arch Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

This booklet gives general information on preparing for surgery and hospital stay with the focus on the best recovery possible. Find information on how to prepare yourself in the months, weeks, and days before your surgery as well as very specific information on how to get ready the night before and morning of surgery. We also describe generally what to expect before and after surgery. Use this booklet along with the information we give you on about your specific surgery. (English) Colour

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Preparing for Your Surgery and Hospital Stay (Chilliwack General Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

This booklet gives general information on preparing for surgery and hospital stay with the focus on the best recovery possible. Find information on how to prepare yourself in the months, weeks, and days before your surgery as well as very specific information on how to get ready the night before and morning of surgery. We also describe generally what to expect before and after surgery. Use this booklet along with the information we give you on about your specific surgery. (English) Colour

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Preparing for Your Surgery and Hospital Stay (Burnaby Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

This booklet gives general information on preparing for surgery and hospital stay with the focus on the best recovery possible. Find information on how to prepare yourself in the months, weeks, and days before your surgery as well as very specific information on how to get ready the night before and morning of surgery. We also describe generally what to expect before and after surgery. Use this booklet along with the information we give you on about your specific surgery. (English) Colour

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Esophageal Surgery (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

You are having surgery (an operation) to remove part or the whole esophagus because of damage from heartburn, injury, swallowing a caustic substance or poison, or cancer. The esophagus is a muscular tube that connects the throat with the stomach. Some people call it the food pipe or gullet. If part or the whole esophagus is removed, we call it an ‘esophagectomy’. The connection between the throat and stomach is rebuilt. Replaces catalogue # 265494 (English) Colour

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Butting Out For Safer Surgery [English] Permalink Public

The longer you go without smoking before surgery, the greater the benefits and the less chances of complications after surgery. This pamphlet explains how smoking can affect your recovery, the advantages of quitting, and the free services available to help you quit smoking. (English) Black & White

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Showing 1 to 10 of 17 for search: *:*

About Fraser Health Patient Education

This catalogue serves the people using Fraser Health programs and services in communities from Burnaby east to Hope and surrounding areas.

Our goal is to provide you with reliable information in a way that you can find what you need, understand what you find, and use it to make decisions about your health.


Patient Education
Professional Practice
Fraser Health
#400, 13450 102nd Ave.
Surrey, BC  V3T 0H1

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