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Showing 61 to 70 of 124 for search: feeding your baby

Positional Foot Deformity: Foot Turned Down and Inward [English] Permalink Public

This is a common foot condition in newborn babies. It usually happens when the baby does not have enough room in the womb to move its feet. When the baby is born, one or both of its feet might be pointing down and turning inwards. However, the foot is not fixed in this position. It can be gently moved into a normal position. This condition is also called Positional Club Foot or Positional Talipes Equinovarus. (English) Colour

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Positional Foot Deformity: Foot Turned Upwards to the Shin [English] Permalink Public

This is a common foot condition in newborn babies. It usually happens when the baby does not have enough room in the womb to move its feet. When the baby is born, one or both of its feet is pushed up towards the shin and the front half of the foot is turned outwards. However, the foot is not fixed in this position. It can be gently moved into a normal position. (English) Colour

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Tonsillectomy with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (Child) [English] Permalink Public

Your child needs an operation called a tonsillectomy to take out the tonsils. Your child may also need an operation called an adenoidectomy to take out the adenoids. Your child also has obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Your child will need closer observation while she is in the hospital. (English)


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Abdominal Pain (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

Your abdomen extends from below your chest to your groin. Some people call it the stomach, but your abdomen contains many other important organs. Pain in the abdomen can come from any one of these organs. The pain may start somewhere else, such as your chest. Severe pain does not always mean it is a serious problem. However, mild pain does not always mean the problem is not serious. (English) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (254290), Arabic (262844), Chinese - Simplified (262841), Chinese - Traditional (262840), Farsi (262845), Korean (254410), Punjabi (262842), Vietnamese (262843)

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General Anaesthesia (Child) [English] Permalink Public

General anaesthesia (say: an-iss-THEES-ee-a) is a mix of medicines that helps your child fall into a deep sleep. This means your child will not feel pain or remember the operation. General anaesthesia may be used when your child has an operation, test, or treatment.This information will help you and your child prepare for general anaesthesia. Please read this information carefully and explain it to your child, using words he or she can understand. Knowing what to expect will help your child feel less nervous. You can also contact the pre-anaesthesia clinic to help you and your child prepare. Audio available. (English)


Other Languages (See All Related)

English, Chinese - Traditional, Punjabi

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Dehydration (Adult) (Fraser Health) [Chinese - Traditional] Permalink Public

Your body needs water to work properly. Water keeps your blood flow easily around your body and to your body organs such as your heart and brain. Dehydration (sounds like dee-hi-dray-shun) is when your body does not have enough water. (Chinese - Traditional) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (262727), Arabic (262911), Chinese - Simplified (262908), Chinese - Traditional (262907), Farsi (262913), Korean (262912), Punjabi (262909), Vietnamese (262910)

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Dehydration (Adult) (Fraser Health) [Chinese - Simplified] Permalink Public

Your body needs water to work properly. Water keeps your blood flow easily around your body and to your body organs such as your heart and brain. Dehydration (sounds like dee-hi-dray-shun) is when your body does not have enough water. (Chinese - Simplified) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (262727), Arabic (262911), Chinese - Simplified (262908), Chinese - Traditional (262907), Farsi (262913), Korean (262912), Punjabi (262909), Vietnamese (262910)

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Dehydration (Adult) (Fraser Health) [Punjabi] Permalink Public

Your body needs water to work properly. Water keeps your blood flow easily around your body and to your body organs such as your heart and brain. Dehydration (sounds like dee-hi-dray-shun) is when your body does not have enough water. (Punjabi) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (262727), Arabic (262911), Chinese - Simplified (262908), Chinese - Traditional (262907), Farsi (262913), Korean (262912), Punjabi (262909), Vietnamese (262910)

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Dehydration (Adult) (Fraser Health) [Vietnamese] Permalink Public

Your body needs water to work properly. Water keeps your blood flow easily around your body and to your body organs such as your heart and brain. Dehydration (sounds like dee-hi-dray-shun) is when your body does not have enough water. (Vietnamese) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (262727), Arabic (262911), Chinese - Simplified (262908), Chinese - Traditional (262907), Farsi (262913), Korean (262912), Punjabi (262909), Vietnamese (262910)

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Dehydration (Adult) (Fraser Health) [Arabic] Permalink Public

Your body needs water to work properly. Water keeps your blood flow easily around your body and to your body organs such as your heart and brain. Dehydration (sounds like dee-hi-dray-shun) is when your body does not have enough water. (Arabic) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (262727), Arabic (262911), Chinese - Simplified (262908), Chinese - Traditional (262907), Farsi (262913), Korean (262912), Punjabi (262909), Vietnamese (262910)

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Showing 61 to 70 of 124 for search: feeding your baby

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This catalogue serves the people using Fraser Health programs and services in communities from Burnaby east to Hope and surrounding areas.

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