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Showing 1 to 2 of 2 for search: title%3A%22angina chest pain%22

Henoch-Schonlein purpura (Child) [English] Permalink Public

Henoch-Schonlein purpura is common in children between the ages of two and 10. The condition causes inflammation (swelling) of small blood vessels. The blood vessels then become easily broken and allow blood to leak. The bleeding into the skin causes a rash, which often looks more severe than it actually is. HSP does not usually cause much discomfort. On the other hand, if blood leaks into the kidneys, joints, or digestive tract, it can cause various problems, including kidney disease. Audio available. (English)


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Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

Deep vein thrombosis (sounds like throm-bow-sis), is a blood clot that forms inside one of the larger veins of the body. You may also hear it called DVT. This type of blood clot usually occurs in the calf, thigh, or pelvis. The blood clot can block part or all of the blood flow. The area becomes inflamed, causing pain, swelling, and feels warm to the touch. (English) Colour

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English (254258), Arabic (262923), Chinese - Simplified (262921), Chinese - Traditional (262065), Farsi (262925), Korean (262924), Punjabi (262066), Vietnamese (262922)

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Showing 1 to 2 of 2 for search: title%3A%22angina chest pain%22

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Fraser Health
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