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Showing 451 to 460 of 814 for search: title%3A%22cuts%2C scrapes%2C and other wounds (suture care)%22

Jaundice in Newborns [English] Permalink Public

This factsheet provides an overview on jaundice including signs and symptoms, complications, treatment, prevention, and when to seek medical assistance. Audio available. (English)


Other Languages (See All Related)

English, Arabic, Chinese - Simplified, Chinese - Traditional, French, Portuguese, Punjabi, Spanish, Tamil, Urdu

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Epidural during Labour (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

This resource is for people who are giving birth and considering an epidural for pain relief. It explains what to expect when you get an epidural, side-effects, and safety. (English) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (262728), Chinese - Simplified (264428), Chinese - Traditional (264429), Punjabi (264430)

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Headache (Child) [English] Permalink Public

A headache is a pain in any area of the head. Headaches are more common in teens or older children. Young children may have them too. Most headaches are not a sign of a more serious illness. Viral gastroenteritis is often called "stomach flu," but it is not caused by flu (influenza) viruses. Viral gastroenteritis can be caused by many different viruses, including Rotaviruses, Torovirus, Adenoviruses, Caliciviruses, Astroviruses, and a group of Norwalk-like viruses. Audio available. (English)


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Vomiting (Child) [English] Permalink Public

Vomiting (throwing up) happens when very strong stomach contractions force a large part of the stomach contents back up the swallowing tube (esophagus) and out through the mouth or nose. It is usually caused by a minor illness. Vomiting is not the same as regurgitation. Regurgitation is the effortless spitting up of a small amount of food or liquid. Food goes up the swallowing tube and into the mouth. Regurgitation is very common in babies. It is not harmful. Audio available. (English)


Other Languages (See All Related)

English, Chinese - Traditional, Punjabi

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Urinary Tract Infection (Child) [English] Permalink Public

You have an infection in your bladder. A bladder infection is also called a urinary tract infection (or UTI). This infection is most often caused by bacteria travelling up the urethra into the bladder. (English)


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Ear Infection - Otitis Media (Child) [English] Permalink Public

The middle ear is the space behind the eardrum. It can become infected by bacteria or viruses. An infection of the middle ear is also called otitis media (say: oh-TIE-tis MEE-dee-uh). The eustachian (say: you-STAY-shun) tube connects the middle ear to the back of the throat, and helps vent and drain the middle ear. An ear infection happens when mucus or swollen tissues from a cold block the eustachian tube. When the tube is blocked, the middle ear is not ventilated well and the air pressure changes can cause pain. This is much like the ear pain that happens on take-off or landing in an airplane. Sometimes the blockage does not let the normal ear fluid drain properly. This fluid can become infected and build up in the middle ear. This puts pressure on the eardrum and makes it bulge, which causes pain. Audio available. (English)


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Depression [English] Permalink Public

Resource on information about what is Depression, how to recognize symptoms, what to do etc. from the BC Heart Failure Network. (English) Colour

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Scarlet Fever (Child) [English] Permalink Public

This factsheet provides an overview about scarlet fever including signs and symptoms, tests, treatment, and when to seek medical assistance. Audio available. (English)


Other Languages (See All Related)

English, Chinese - Traditional, Punjabi

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Temperature Taking (Child) [English] Permalink Public

Children often feel warm to the touch when they have a fever, but putting your hand to your child's forehead is not enough to find out if your child has a fever. To confirm that your child has a fever, use a thermometer to measure your child's body temperature. There are several ways to do this. (English)


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Hernia (Child) [English] Permalink Public

A hernia is a bulge created by an organ or tissue. The bulge pushes through a weakness in the area of the body that normally contains it. The most common place that a hernia occurs is in the belly. The two most common types of hernias in children are: An umbilical hernia occurs when a part of the intestine sticks through the abdominal wall through the navel. An inguinal hernia occurs when part of the intestine pushes through the abdominal wall in or around the groin. Inguinal hernias occur in up to 5 out of 100 babies. Audio available. (English)


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Showing 451 to 460 of 814 for search: title%3A%22cuts%2C scrapes%2C and other wounds (suture care)%22

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