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Showing 1 to 10 of 166 for search: title%3A%22sick day management for type 2 diabetes%22

To my healthcare providers: I had a total laryngectomy with a voice prosthesis [English] Permalink Public

Share this information with your healthcare providers. It tells them about your total laryngectomy surgery with a voice prosthesis and your care needs. Also, it tells them about changes to your airway and to how you speak. The information in this factsheet helps your healthcare providers keep you safe. (English) Colour

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To my healthcare providers: I had a total laryngectomy without a voice prosthesis [English] Permalink Public

Share this information with your healthcare providers. It tells them about your total laryngectomy surgery without a voice prosthesis and your care needs. Also, it tells them about changes to your airway and to how you communicate. The information in this factsheet helps your healthcare providers keep you safe. (English) Colour

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BC Healthy Kids Program [English] Permalink Public

The BC Healthy Kids Program helps low income families with the costs of basic dental care, prescription eyewear and hearing assistance for their children. (English)


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Ear Infection - Otitis Media (Child) [English] Permalink Public

The middle ear is the space behind the eardrum. It can become infected by bacteria or viruses. An infection of the middle ear is also called otitis media (say: oh-TIE-tis MEE-dee-uh). The eustachian (say: you-STAY-shun) tube connects the middle ear to the back of the throat, and helps vent and drain the middle ear. An ear infection happens when mucus or swollen tissues from a cold block the eustachian tube. When the tube is blocked, the middle ear is not ventilated well and the air pressure changes can cause pain. This is much like the ear pain that happens on take-off or landing in an airplane. Sometimes the blockage does not let the normal ear fluid drain properly. This fluid can become infected and build up in the middle ear. This puts pressure on the eardrum and makes it bulge, which causes pain. Audio available. (English)


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Swimmer's Ear (Otitis Externa) (Child) [Chinese - Traditional] Permalink Public

Theis factsheet provides an overview about swimmer's ear including signs and symptoms, complication, treatment, prevention, and when to seek medical assistance. Audio available. (Chinese - Traditional)


Other Languages (See All Related)

English, Chinese - Traditional, Punjabi

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Swimmer's Ear (Otitis Externa) (Child) [English] Permalink Public

Theis factsheet provides an overview about swimmer's ear including signs and symptoms, complication, treatment, prevention, and when to seek medical assistance. Audio available. (English)


Other Languages (See All Related)

English, Chinese - Traditional, Punjabi

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Swimmer's Ear (Otitis Externa) (Child) [Punjabi] Permalink Public

Theis factsheet provides an overview about swimmer's ear including signs and symptoms, complication, treatment, prevention, and when to seek medical assistance. Audio available. (Punjabi)


Other Languages (See All Related)

English, Chinese - Traditional, Punjabi

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Total Laryngectomy (Surrey Memorial Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

You are having your entire larynx removed (total laryngectomy). This booklet tell you about your surgery, how to care for your stoma, how to care for your voice prosthesis (if you have one), and helpful information so the move from hospital to home is as easy as possible. We are here to help you and your family understand what to expect as you recover from surgery. (English) Colour

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Nosebleed (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

Many small blood vessels line the inside of your nose. Their job is to help warm and moisten the air you breathe. These blood vessels can break and bleed. The most common kind of nosebleed is from the front of the nose. (English) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (262151), Arabic (262953), Chinese - Simplified (262951), Chinese - Traditional (262152), Farsi (262954), Korean (262154), Punjabi (262153), Vietnamese (262952)

Catalogue Number:
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Nosebleed (Fraser Health) [Chinese - Simplified] Permalink Public

Many small blood vessels line the inside of your nose. Their job is to help warm and moisten the air you breathe. These blood vessels can break and bleed. The most common kind of nosebleed is from the front of the nose. (Chinese - Simplified) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (262151), Arabic (262953), Chinese - Simplified (262951), Chinese - Traditional (262152), Farsi (262954), Korean (262154), Punjabi (262153), Vietnamese (262952)

Catalogue Number:
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Showing 1 to 10 of 166 for search: title%3A%22sick day management for type 2 diabetes%22

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This catalogue serves the people using Fraser Health programs and services in communities from Burnaby east to Hope and surrounding areas.

Our goal is to provide you with reliable information in a way that you can find what you need, understand what you find, and use it to make decisions about your health.


Patient Education
Professional Practice
Fraser Health
#400, 13450 102nd Ave.
Surrey, BC  V3T 0H1

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