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Orchidopexy: Surgery for Undescended Testicles (Child, Male) [English] Permalink Public
Normally before a baby boy is born, the testicles move into the scrotum (the sac that holds the testicles). Sometimes, though, one or both testicles stay in the body cavity instead of moving into the scrotum. This is called undescended testicles​ or cryptorchidism, which means "hidden testicle." An orchidopexy is an operation to lower the testicles into the scrotum. (English)
URL: Languages (See All Related)
English, Chinese - Traditional
Body Location:
- Sexual and Reproductive Health
Diagnosis and Therapy:
- Symptoms,
- Surgery and Procedures
Disorders and Conditions:
- Infant/Children Illnesses and Disorders,
- Surgery
- Pain,
- Scrotum,
- Management,
- Operation,
- Testicles,
- Boy
- Children and Youth
- Maternal Infant Child Youth
FactsheetRevision Date:
November 10, 2009Reproduction Rights:
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