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Jaw Surgery: Caring for Your Child's Mouth and Teeth After the Operation [English] Permalink Public
Proper care of the mouth and teeth after surgery will help your child get better faster. Let your child know that caring for her mouth and teeth will help: stop infection, heal the mouth and jaw, keep the gums healthy, remove plaque,stop bad breath. Audio available. (English)
URL: Location:
- Mouth and Dental
Diagnosis and Therapy:
- Diagnostic Tests and Medical Equipment
Disorders and Conditions:
- Infant/Children Illnesses and Disorders
- Care,
- Surgery,
- Post-op,
- Test,
- Diagnostic,
- Procedure,
- Peds,
- Surgical,
- Post-operative,
- Pediatrics,
- Jaw,
- Orthognathic
- Children and Youth
- Maternal Infant Child Youth
FactsheetRevision Date:
August 30, 2007Reproduction Rights:
Linking Policy: 1 of 1 for search: id:19695