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Showing 1 to 10 of 17 for search: title%3A%22fever in children%22

Your Heart Surgery Journey – Preparing for Surgery (Royal Columbian Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

You are going to have heart surgery. We break this time frame into phases: before surgery, recovery in the hospital then when you get home. When you take an active part now, you can help your recovery after surgery. (English) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (266125), Chinese - Simplified (267133), Punjabi (267134)

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Artery Bypass Surgery - Lower Limb (Royal Columbian Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

You are having surgery (an operation) on an artery in your lower body. Your aorta is the main artery that carries blood from your heart to the rest of your body. The smaller arteries that carry blood from your aorta out to your arms and legs are called ‘peripheral’ arteries. (English) Colour

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Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation [English] Permalink Public

Ablation (sounds like ah-blay-shun) is a medical procedure used to correct certain heart rhythm problems, such as atrial fibrillation. It restores the normal regular rhythm of the heart by scarring the tissue in the heart that triggers the abnormal rhythm. This allows the heart to return to normal, regular rhythm. (English)


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Ablation for Atrial Flutter [English] Permalink Public

Ablation (sounds like ah-blay-shun) is a medical procedure used to correct certain heart rhythm problems, such as atrial flutter. It restores the normal regular rhythm of the heart by scarring the tissue in the heart that triggers the abnormal rhythm. This allows the heart to return to normal regular rhythm. (English)


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Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia [English] Permalink Public

Ablation (sounds like ah-blay-shun) is a medical procedure used to correct certain heart rhythm problems, such as ventricular tachycardia (VT). It restores the normal regular rhythm of the heart by scarring the tissue in the heart that triggers the abnormal rhythm. This allows the heart to return to normal regular rhythm. (English)


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Ablation for Supraventricular Tachycardia [English] Permalink Public

Ablation (sounds like ah-blay-shun) is a medical procedure used to correct certain heart rhythm problems, such as supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). It restores the normal regular rhythm of the heart by scarring the tissue in the heart that triggers the abnormal rhythm. This allows the heart to return to normal regular rhythm. (English)


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Subcutaneous Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (S-ICD): A Guide for Patients & Families [English] Permalink Public

An S-ICD is a small electronic device that constantly checks your heart rhythm. It looks for any sudden changes. When needed, it sends an electrical shock to trigger the heart rhythm back to normal. Learn more about what to expect with getting an S-ICD, or living with one, in this booklet. (English)


Other Languages (See All Related)

English, Chinese - Simplified, Chinese - Traditional, Farsi, French, Punjabi

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Your Heart Surgery Journey – Preparing for Surgery (Royal Columbian Hospital) [Chinese - Simplified] Permalink Public

You are going to have heart surgery. We break this time frame into phases: before surgery, recovery in the hospital then when you get home. When you take an active part now, you can help your recovery after surgery. (Chinese - Simplified) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (266125), Chinese - Simplified (267133), Punjabi (267134)

Catalogue Number:
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Your Heart Surgery Journey – Preparing for Surgery (Royal Columbian Hospital) [Punjabi] Permalink Public

You are going to have heart surgery. We break this time frame into phases: before surgery, recovery in the hospital then when you get home. When you take an active part now, you can help your recovery after surgery. (Punjabi) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (266125), Chinese - Simplified (267133), Punjabi (267134)

Catalogue Number:
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Ablation for Atrioventricular Node (AVN) [English] Permalink Public

Ablation (sounds like ah-blay-shun) is a medical procedure used to correct certain heart rhythm problems, such as atrial fibrillation. Ablation of the atrioventricular (AV) node is a procedure used to disrupt or break the electrical connection between the upper heart chambers (the atria) and the lower heart chambers (the ventricles). This procedure does not cure atrial fibri llation, but by breaking this connection, the atrial fibrillation is no longer able to cause the heart to beat rapidly and irregularly. With the electrical connection broken, a permanent pacemaker is needed to support the heartbeat. The pacemaker is put in place before the AV node ablation is done. (English)


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Showing 1 to 10 of 17 for search: title%3A%22fever in children%22

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This catalogue serves the people using Fraser Health programs and services in communities from Burnaby east to Hope and surrounding areas.

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