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Specialized Seniors Clinic (New Westminster, Chilliwack, Delta, Langley, Surrey, White Rock, Mission, Abbotsford) [English] Permalink Public

Outlines the services offered to seniors 65 years or older with multiple health issues. The clinic also provides help to the families of these seniors with education and support. (English) Colour

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Falls Prevention Mobile Clinic [English] Permalink Public

A multi-disciplinary approach to the prevention of falls and fall-related injuries. (English) Colour

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Get Up & Go (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

Get Up & Go! is a version of BC Womens Osteofit program. Get Up & Go! program offers an appropriate entry level exercise program for seniors with balance and mobility impairments who would otherwise be unable to attend a community based exercise class. (English) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (256008), French (265566)

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Welcome to ACE - Acute Care for Elders Unit (Eagle Ridge Hospital, Peace Arch Hospital, Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre, Burnaby Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

Patients of the ACE Unit are usually 70 years or older, have suddenly become acutely ill, have a number of medical problems at one time, and may be at risk of losing the ability to remain independent. The goal of ACE is to maintain and improve your ability to interact with others, and to live at home as independently as possible. (English) Colour

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My Health Record [English] Permalink Public

This booklet combines a number of blank forms and check boxes that allow you to note in great detail all aspects of your health. This is not just limited to medical history, but includes background (religion, language, eating restrictions, immunization record) and how important decisions are to be made. (English) Black & White

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Continence Promotion and Management Program (Delta Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine or stool. It is not a disease but rather a symptom of a physical or neurological disorder. This pamphlet provides more information on incontinence and how the program can help people manage their condition. (English) Colour

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Continence Assessment and Management Program (New Westminster) [English] Permalink Public

Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine or stool. It is not a disease but rather a symptom of a physical or neurological disorder. This pamphlet provides more information on incontinence and how the program can help people manage their condition. (English) Colour

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Delirium in the Older Adult: A Family Guide (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

Delirium (say dah-l-ear-ee-uhm) is when a person becomes confused. It is temporary. The person’s thinking and behaviour changes. The person’s thinking and behaviour changes. It develops quickly over hours and days. It can last for a few hours or days, sometimes longer. Delirium is a serious medical problem, and common in older adults. This pamphlet provides information on delirium including causes, exhibited behaviours, and what you can do to help. (English) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (256479), Punjabi (266090)

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Changeways for Seniors - White Rock (Peace Arch Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

Changeways is an established educational program designed for those seniors who have been experiencing challenges in their lives as a result of depression or anxiety. Details of the program, including the benefits and the cost, are outlined in this pamphlet. (English) Colour

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Living Well with Chronic Obstructed Pulmonary Disease - Summary Guide [English] Permalink Public

Anatomy and Physiology of COPD, Smoking and Lung Function, Factors that Can Make Symptoms Worse, Medications, Inhalation Techniques, Breathing Techniques, Positions to Reduce SOB, Coughing Techniques, Energy Conservation Principles, Stress Management, Relaxation Techniques, Healthy Lifestyle, Your Plan of Action. (English)


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Showing 1 to 10 of 34 for search: *:*

About Fraser Health Patient Education

This catalogue serves the people using Fraser Health programs and services in communities from Burnaby east to Hope and surrounding areas.

Our goal is to provide you with reliable information in a way that you can find what you need, understand what you find, and use it to make decisions about your health.


Patient Education
Professional Practice
Fraser Health
#400, 13450 102nd Ave.
Surrey, BC  V3T 0H1

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