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Hearts on the Mend (Burnaby Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

This is a volunteer visiting program for patients with heart conditions. This program is a partnership between Volunteer Services, Healthy Heart Burnbaby, and FITT Cardiac Association. 'Hearts on the Mend' volunteers provide a valuable support system, educational sessions, and resource information. (English) Colour

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Angiography/Angiogram (Lower Mainland) [English] Permalink Public

This pamphlet provides a brief description of the medical imaging procedure angiography/angiogram including information on who will be performing procedure?, prior to procedure instructions, what happens during procedure?, will it hurt?, how long it will take?, risks or complications, what happens afterwards?, follow-up instructions and information on who to contact if experiencing problems. Angiography is procedure to look at arteries and veins in your body using x-rays. To help see the arteries and veins, an x‐ray dye (called contrast) is injected.This is called an angiogram. (English) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (264367), Arabic (264660), Chinese - Simplified (264661), Chinese - Traditional (264662), Farsi (264663), French (264797), Punjabi (264664), Vietnamese (264665)

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Fistuloplasty (Lower Mainland) [English] Permalink Public

This pamphlet provides a brief description of the medical imaging procedure fistuloplasty including information on who will be performing procedure?, prior to procedure instructions, what happens during procedure?, will it hurt?, how long it will take?, risks or complications, what happens afterwards?, follow-up instructions and information on who to contact if experiencing problems. A fistuloplasty is a procedure to open up the narrowed blood vessel making up the fistula. We insert and slowly inflate a special balloon to slowly stretch the blood vessel. This improves blood flow, resulting in improved hemodialysis. (English) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (264474)

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Radial Artery Sheath (Lower Mainland) [English] Permalink Public

This pamphlet provides a brief description of the medical imaging procedure radial artery sheath including information on who will be performing procedure?, prior to procedure instructions, what happens during procedure?, will it hurt?, how long it will take?, risks or complications, what happens afterwards?, follow-up instructions and information on who to contact if experiencing problems. Your doctor or specialist wants you to have an interventional procedure. The procedure requires access to the inside of your body through an artery. We use an artery in your wrist called the radial artery. A small thin hollow tube called sheath is inserted through your skin into the radial artery. The sheath is then used for the interventional procedure. (English) Colour

Other Languages (See All Related)

English (264637)

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Subcutaneous Immune Globulin (SCIg) Home Infusion Program (Jim Pattison Outpatient Care and Surgery Centre) [English] Permalink Public

In our blood, we have white blood cells and antibodies. Antibodies are special proteins called immune globulin (Ig). Together, they find and destroy germs such as bacteria and viruses, protecting our bodies from infection. Sometimes our natural antibodies are not enough to fight the infection. Immune globulin is often given to people whose bodies cannot make their own antibodies properly. (English) Colour

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Intravenous Immune Globulin (IVIg) - Common Questions (Fraser Health) [English] Permalink Public

In our blood, we have white blood cells and antibodies. Antibodies are special proteins called immune globulin (Ig). Together, they find and destroy germs such as bacteria and viruses, protecting our bodies from infection. Sometimes our natural antibodies are not enough to fight the infection. Immune globulin is often given to people whose bodies cannot make their own antibodies properly. (English) Colour

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Introductory Resistance Program [English] Permalink Public

Keeping your muscles active and healthy through regular resistance training will greatly improve your management of diabetes. Resistance exercise uses more muscles than just walking. It uses upper body muscles that are rarely used in modern society today. (English)


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Outpatient Clinic Antibiotic Intravenous Therapy (Mission Memorial Hospital) [English] Permalink Public

You have an infection that is best treated with antibiotics given through an intravenous. This pamphlet gives you information about coming in to the hospital as an outpatient for antibiotic therapy on days, evenings, and weekends. It also describes how to care for your saline lock at home. (English) Black & White

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Butting Out For Safer Surgery [English] Permalink Public

The longer you go without smoking before surgery, the greater the benefits and the less chances of complications after surgery. This pamphlet explains how smoking can affect your recovery, the advantages of quitting, and the free services available to help you quit smoking. (English) Black & White

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Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) Filters- Patient Information (Lower Mainland) [English] Permalink Public

This pamphlet describes what the filter is used for, why has it been put in place, possible unwanted effects, how long it stays in place, and contact information (English) Black & White

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Showing 21 to 30 of 36 for search: *:*

About Fraser Health Patient Education

This catalogue serves the people using Fraser Health programs and services in communities from Burnaby east to Hope and surrounding areas.

Our goal is to provide you with reliable information in a way that you can find what you need, understand what you find, and use it to make decisions about your health.


Patient Education
Professional Practice
Fraser Health
#400, 13450 102nd Ave.
Surrey, BC  V3T 0H1

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